the lunchbox switch I made | quick video run-down
This is what happened...! 👇
✨️ Very first thing was I felt way better about what I was sending to school - I didn't feel like it was a half empty lunchbox - what we were using was far too big for how much she'd actually eat 🫠
✨️ It looked so much more appealing - more full, more inviting, less overwhelming
✨️ We went from almost everything coming home uneaten, to everything at least being tried, & then pretty much everything eaten most days
✨️ Super easy to add more colour, more variety with silicone cups - great for kids who get bored with food easily
✨️ Highlight is definitely the surprise box - a great way to add something 'new' & keep it fun 🙌
The lunchbox is the MontiiCo Bento Five.
P.s I'm a big fan of the wholefood lunchbox 🙋♀️ It's not a one size fits all & doesn't suit the kind of eater my daughter is at school ✨️