lunchbox packing superstar - Avery | community spotlight

Welcome to our very first Lunchbox Mini Mum's Club Member Spotlight! An opportunity to get to know the person behind the lunchboxes.

Every month we'll be featuring one of our amazing lunchbox packers who inspire our community inside our free facebook group, the Lunchbox Mini Mum's Club. 

Our Member Spotlight for March, Avery, was an easy choice. Avery has been a member since we started the group almost 18 months ago. She regularly shares her line-up of Bento Fives, and they're always full of colour, full of easy, achievable ideas and provide so much satisfaction for those of us with OCD! 🤪

Introducing Avery!
Kid's ages: 11, 9 & 6
One word you'd use to describe packing lunches: Theraputic. It's my zen zone after I put the kids to bed
How many lunchboxes do you own: 5 - 3 x Little Lunchbox Co (LLBC) Bento Fives and 2 x LLBC Bento Twos
Favourite lunchbox brand & why: Definitely the LLBC - I can pack a wide variety, it holds a lot of food and each compartment is airtight so keeps everything fresh and in place
Time of day you typically pack lunches: Usually around 8-9pm
Favourite thing about packing lunches: Being able to prepare nutritious foods and switch it up so it's not the same boring thing each day
Least favourite thing: How I don't have enough lunchboxes on rotation at the moment 😅
Is there a food you always pack first: Always the grains section - sandwiches, wraps, pasta, sushi
Is there a food you always pack last: Fruit - so it doesn't get time to brown before I put in the fridge
3 fav store-bought foods that are on high rotation: 'I Love Baking Cookies' - Coles, sushi if I don't have time to make my own, 3 pack of capsicum
Do you have a lunchbox hack you can share: When I pull stuff out of the fridge I chop up enough to put in containers to have on hand for next time. Sometimes I prepare on weekends if I have time
Anything else you'd like to share: Anna has been an absolute pleasure to deal with. I've loved being part of the Lunchbox Mini Community since the start ❤
To shop Avery's favourites, click here
To join Lunchbox Mini's free facebook group, Lunchbox Mini Mum's club, click here