Christina is a total superstar in the lunchbox packing world! Her lunches are always different, always filled with so much variety and you can almost feel the love she has packing for her family just by looking at her lunchbox spreads.
Christina's been a member of the Lunchbox Mini Mum's Club facebook group for almost a year, and there's rarely a day when she's not sharing her amazing line-up with us. She's given us all so much inspiration, especially with her 'Big Boy' (aka husband) lunches, and her lunchbox collection is nothing short of impressive!
Introducing Christina!
How many lunches do you pack, on average, a day?:Â 1 adult + 4 kids
What’s one word you’d use to describe how you feel about packing lunches? Blessed
How many lunchboxes do you own? 18 lunchbox + 5 snack box + 6 thermos
What’s your favourite lunchbox brand/type and why?Â
1st: Go Green - because it's 100% leak proof, all compartments are a good sizeÂ
2nd: - reasonable and affordable price, perfect for whole sandwich, also love the colours
3rd: Little Lunchbox Co - perfect size for young kids age from 2-12, also is air tight  Â
4th: OmieBox - I like the little thermos, perfect for winter when kids don’t have to carry an extra thermos
When do you typically pack lunches (time of day)? I usually pack the night before around 9pm when all kids are in bed. If there’s warm food I need pack then I’ll prep the warm food in morning around 5.30am. I still pack the rest of food like fruits, snacks and treats a night before and put the lunchboxes in the fridge.
What’s your favourite thing about packing lunches?Â
1. I can make sure they eat healthy in school or work
2. Not only eating junk but also have fruits and main meal
3. I can change the main elements of the kid's lunches at the frequency that I think the kids require
4. I can tailor each day my kid's favourites, and introduce new foods as well
5. Reduces waste at home
What’s your least favourite thing? Nil
What was the last thing you packed that came home uneaten? Raspberry and PeachÂ
Is there a food/food group you always pack first? Sandwiches and wraps
Is there a food/food group you always pack last? Fruits and warm food
Would love you to share 3 of your most-loved/most time-saving supermarket foods that are on high lunchbox rotation:Â
1. Devon
2. Cheese DippersÂ
3. WafflesÂ
Do you have a lunchbox hack you can offer? Eg. something you do that saves you time/money/complaints/heartache?!  I pre make things like sausages, hot dog rolls, bacon cheese rolls and pack away in freezer, heat up when needed
Anything else you’d like to share…? I love packing lunchboxes for my kids because I get to know more about them, especially the teenagers. We start to discuss and share ideas, also be more understanding about everyone’s favourites, requirements and needs. I understand most parents feel very stressed and struggle to pack their kid's lunchbox. I have also experienced that before. I know for things to change, I must change first. We have 8 kids, 6 with us and we have a 20 month old boy with disability diagnosed with Corpus Callosum (global development delay, low muscle tone).
I still enjoy making lunchboxes for my family even when I am tired, when you see their empty their's all worth it.
To join the FREE Lunchbox Mini Mum's Club facebook group, click here.